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«More Business As Usual»: An Interview with Paul Mattick

Global Uprisings Conference Interview #3:

This is an excerpt from an interview with philosopher and author Paul Mattick Jr. It is the third in a series of interviews conducted with participants from the Global Uprisings conference, that occurred during the weekend of November 15-17th, 2013. View more interviews and online documentaries at

Paul Mattick Jr. (born 1944) is a Marxist theorist and philosopher. He is the son of council communist theoreticians Paul Mattick Sr. (1904-1981) and Ilse Mattick (1919-2009). Mattick was involved in the council communist group Root and Branch, which sporadically published a magazine/pamphlet series, starting in 1969. Other notable members include Jeremy Brecher, Stanley Aronowitz, and Peter Rachleff. Mattick obtained his PhD from Harvard in 1981, and is currently chair of the Department of Philosophy at Adelphi University in New York. He was previously the editor of the International Journal of Political Economy, and is the author of several books on philosophy of language, aesthetics, and the critique of political economy. In his book Business as Usual, Paul Mattick Jr. explains the global economic crisis in relation to the development of the world economy since World War II, but also as a fundamental example of the cycle of crisis and recovery that has characterized capitalism since the early nineteenth century.


Ver también “Business As Usual: The Economic Crisis And The Failure Of Capitalism”: Paul Mattick

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