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“Against and beyond the crisis: the role of urban social movements”: David Harvey

Workshop Athens 2013

The workshop “Crisis regimes and emerging social movements in cities of Southern Europe”

The intention of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to scholars and activists from South European cities for exchanging experiences concerning the current crisis in South European cities and explore alternatives. The main goals of the workshop are:

a) to explore from a critical viewpoint the impact of the crisis on South European cities and their inhabitants, the dominant policies implemented, as well as new issues and novel social claims that are emerging, and

b) to bring together both activists from current/emerging movements and scholars, in order to exchange ideas and experiences from concrete practices, initiatives and struggles and to collectively think about alternatives for radical action.

To read more about the rationale of the workshop press here

Intervenció de David Harvey en el marc del congrés Urbanrise, realitzat a Atenes del 7 al 10 de Febrer de 2013. Harvey senyala tres de les contradiccions intrínseques del capitalisme, així com alguns elements de proposta per trencar amb aquest.

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